Our Services
Community Nursing Care
Promise care’s nurses will work closely with your doctor and assist with the coordination of any scheduled medical and other allied health professionals appointments. Your nurse can also advise and support on more complex issues such as: Continence assessment and management. Catheter care, changes and management.
If you are assessed as being eligible to receive nursing support through your NDIS plan, speak to Promise care team leader about the services you require, how you’d like them delivered and by whom. If you live in a regional or remote part of Australia with limited medical facilities, a home nursing service may be even more important and necessary.
To help you decide what services you need, a registered nurse can carry out a full health assessment. Once you have been assessed they will develop a care plan for you in conjunction with you and your family. This plan will detail the services that have been identified as necessary and the days/ times you prefer them to be delivered. This plan will be reviewed every six months or so, or as your needs change.
General nursing services can include a whole range of supports from showering assistance to blood transfusions and continence management. Nurses will work closely with your doctor and assist with the coordination of any scheduled medical and other allied health professionals appointments.
Your nurse can also advise and support on more complex issues such as:
- Continence assessment and management
- Catheter care, changes and management
- Wound management
- Diabetes management-including insulin administration
- Managing your medication, if necessary
Nurses can also provide advice and education on appropriate safety equipment for the home and refer you to an occupational therapist for specialist equipment, if required. In some cases, they may provide information, including lifestyle planning and nutritional advice/support to you and your carers.
They can advise and support on things like:
- Continence management and assessments
- Catheter care, changes and management
- Pressure care and wound management
- Complex disability care, including PEG, ventilator and bowel care
- Diabetes management-including insulin administration
- Medical management and administration including sourcing and picking up medication, administering drugs and intravenous lines etc.